

  • Provision of documentation, organization of work on documents, information-search systems, execution control, and preparation for the transfer of documents to the archive in accordance with the unified rules of state standards, and other valid norms;
  • Improving the methods of working on documents;
  • Reduction of document turnover, unification of document forms;
  • Management of correspondence through eflow;
  • Providing assistance in eflow for structural units, in issues related to case management;
  • Organization of timely review of incoming documents in eflow and submission to the university management, control of the correctness of documents to be submitted for management's signature;
  • Regulation of the process of execution of documents, their flow within the established period, execution, and execution control;
  • Organization of printing, photocopying, and operational reproduction of documents;
  • Development of nomenclature of cases, provision of storage of cases, and operative use of documentary information;
  • Receiving and giving answers to proposals, statements, and complaints;
  • Systematization of documents to be controlled;
  • Sorting and sending incoming correspondence;
  • Organization of the working conditions of the office staff.