- Gaining extensive theoretical knowledge of the fundamentals of law, the system, basic principles, legal systems, the main features of the national legal system, historical sources of Georgian law, ethical principles of the activity of a lawyer (judge, lawyer, prosecutor, notary), moral aspects of legal professions, official and moral standards of non-official activities, as well as in-depth knowledge of the main theories, principles, and features of regulation in the fields of private, criminal, and public law;
- to develop the ability to analyze complex and unexpected situations in the field of private, criminal, and public law, to develop appropriate approaches to their solutions, as well as to explain their own legal judgments both orally and in writing using legal language;
- develop the skills to analyze legal norms, sources, and methods, determine the factual circumstances of the case, evaluate them, justify positions in legal disputes, carry out specific legal activities, make decisions on legal issues, and justify them;
- gain the skills to develop strategies and tactics for dispute resolution, legal documents, as well as research and practical projects in the field of private, criminal, and public law in accordance with predetermined guidelines;
- to develop the skills to act within the context of ethical and professional behavior norms of a lawyer, as well as taking legal values into consideration in the process of relevant proceedings;
- to develop the ability to search for, highlight, and regularly update one's own knowledge of necessary information in Georgian and/or English, including legislative changes, court practice, and science news.
- Legislative and executive authorities;
- Judicial bodies;
- Law enforcement and other controlling bodies;
- Legal entities of public and private law or in other non-entrepreneurial (non-commercial) organizations.