About Us
In order to systematically evaluate the quality of educational and scientific-research work, as well as the quality of staff qualification, the university operates a quality assurance service, which contributes to ensuring a high level of teaching quality through the introduction of modern methods of learning, teaching and evaluation, and preparing self-assessment for the accreditation process.
The quality assurance system, in response to students and other interested parties' needs and to their satisfaction, ensures the continual evaluation and growth of the university's activities through quality assurance procedures. The quality assurance system functions according to the "Plan, Do, Check, Act" (PDCA) cycle principle:
- When utilizing the PDCA cycle approach for process planning the required resources are considered, the process administration procedure is set, the opportunities that ensure process improvement in order to get optimal outcomes are identified.
- The PDCA cycle is utilized at both the systemic level of the institution's management and to manage any processes and actions that will be implemented at the university. The quality assurance system focuses on continuous improvement, which is accomplished by consistently implementing the standards established in the university, evaluating the compatibility of all processes in the institution with the standards, and, based on the results of the evaluation, eliminating any inconsistencies and continuously improving the results.
Ketevan Lataria - Head of Quality Assurance Service
Ketevan Lomaia - Coordinator of Quality Assurance Vocational Programs
Natia Tsupuria - Head of the Monitoring Department of the Quality Assurance Service
Ana Gabelia - Main Specialist of Quality Assurance Service