Training Materials

მიმდინარეობს საიტის განახლება

Training Materials

How do start? International development requirements from the state, structure of the teaching university, activities, staff involved, sharing experiences within PICASA project.

Communication with the administration according the changes taken into the consideration

Taking into the consideration specifics regional demands for implementing mechanisms of internationalization

Ways of looking for new staff: enhance mobility flow, development of institutional capacities

Maintaining of new group involvement: supposed partners, statements, communication

Organizing the meetings: students, authorities from the region, summer schools


Mechanisms of mobility promotion: registration, preparing documents, insurance, visa procedures, assessment, learning agreements, recognition.

To support English language learning: free courses for students and staff taking part in mobility during application

Alumni involvement in mobility process

Transparency: job description

Using of IT technologies in the process of internationalization 


Permanent monitoring for outgoing mobility students

Recognition procedure after mobility

Flexible teaching procedure

How to plan accumulation system of approaches in the process of internationalization

Mechanism of catalyst of internationalization

Mechanism of quality of internationalization

Ways of development of improvement of internationalization

Budget of internationalization

Contact persons in each department

Long term activities

Accommodation for incoming students

Tutorial for students (support staff during lectures and teaching procedures)

Courses in English at list 10 credit ECTS

Curriculum in English according national and international demands (looking for resources)

Teaching universities future plans to support international activities